As promised I'll describe my current progress even though it's a bit meager:
I've gotten holdof the Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 WiFi YP-G70CW
And I figured that to be a great starting point for learning the ropes as how to Root Android, and explore what to do with it.
First week I spend figuring out where to get some default information.
Second week I spend realizing how little I know, and getting to gribs with the explosive learning Cliff.
All I wanted to do was to Root. But once does not just go Root.
Learning the basics as in what Rooting essentially is, I realize more and more that I'm really not the rigth type for this. Usually I'm fine with the basics as long as it works. And when speaking of Phones, the basics usually works fine. There's rarely a need to change anything.
Yet my project was to use devices in way the manufacturer didn't expect, and make a baseline product that I could push to even simpler users.
So realizing that rooting is rather complicated, unless you're using a default, which again counteracts the purpose of rooting in the first place. I started digging.
Here's where I've landed at the moment: (sikkert overflødig)
Yes these are links and reffrences to information or data that is currently open in my attempt to do 3 simple things: Root the device, upgrade the OS+kernel, get a backup.
What I thus far have managed to do is to Root the device, Upgrade to Gingerbread with a decent kernel. I still don't have any way to perform a backup or the sligthest hint as how to get that. Of course it's clearly described in all the text, but I don't understand it.
Another step on the way was the cleaning of the said device. It's filled with unneeded stuff, and I still fail to understand how to "uninstall" it.
This is what most consider geekdom. To posses skills to perform tech magic, that to them seem simple, yet to the rest of us, makes absolutely no sense.
I'm still a geek and I'll master this eventually, but as said the learning cliff is indeed terrifing.
Well here's a walkthrough for those that were just looking how to Root a Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 WiFi YP-G70CW (And the cw is very important, and very neglected in all describtions for some reason, if you are unsure, look at the back of the player)
You'll want to root it:
I found SuperOneClick using as a refference point. His device isn't a YP-G70CW but a YP-G70?? Still the rooting proccess he used worked....
I found SuperOneClickV2.3-Shortfuse somehow and downloaded that and installed it. (remember to save and file everything as you migth need it later)
As he mentiones in his youtube video about it. It's a no brainer. Make sure to have the prober Device drivers (if you can get access to you drives on it, you're good).
Unmount or Remove the SD card.
Try with diffrent USB connection settings, and use the big Root button in superclick.
If superclick becomes unresponsive for more tehn 5 minuttes, you've done something wrong, and need to try again.
Once it's rooted, it's just end the scribt. But you won't be overly informed about it, so check and verify.
Sorry, this was the first and hardest bit.
Next loading a ROM with Kernel:
As you can imagine, loading the wrong rom here could brick it. And it most likely will. So verify that you're having a YP-G70CW and not some other device....
I tried various things as I figured I'd go for backup first, but no can't do:
The best and newest stock ROM, or back to basic ROM I found was called: G70XXKPF
You will find it in one of the links.
You'll need Odin for that: Google Odin or find it in my links. Odin 3 with SGIII or something. Odin 3 and it works:
Kernel: YP-G70-Kernel-r13.tar
Again find it and download it.
Now: Open Odin and find the tar to put in the PDA line and press the big Go button, and the Kernel will be loaded (You'll need to have the device in Download mode, holding Vol down button while it's startes, will do that) plug it to the PC via USB and you're ready to press the button:
Of course you don't want yours to fail, but I suspect that is because I have already loaded the kernel and it's working. Sorry.
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