So I've learned stuff.
One is that reading about Rooting a phone will put a lot of open tabs on your browser.
Usually it's be course you start reading a "manual", which then refers to something you need to know first, which again refers to something you need to know first. Last time I checked I was in a 12 nested manual reading to do one very simple thing.
Not having my equipment unpacked yet, considering it's Christmas and that I'll have loads of spare time this Wednesday. I'll postponed my post until I'm better suited to write it.
One thing I've learned is that I'm not the only one not using pictures :)
I'll publish my progress with more screen shots hence forth, also as I'll be writing the next many posts more as walkthroughs or HowTos for anyone following my footstep.
My initial plan was to learn how to root and build a good image for android.
That task is way too complex described like that, as each device needs it's own procedure.
Currently I have a Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 WiFi, (YP-G70CW) that I'm working with and it'll serve me to learn the ropes. As said I've got it rooted. but as the smart of you already knows. That doesn't cut it. You'll need to load kernels, Custom ROM, and apps to hit goal.
All in due time. now it's rooted, next post will detail how to do so.
Next part will export and import an image of it. I figured that to be easy, it's not... Well on some devices it's piece of coffee. This model is hmmmm, interesting :)
If you have suggestion as stuff to do with the frigging thing. Don't hesitate to inform me.
For now:
V Root
Load Rom
Replace/optimize kernel
Find Apps
Low jack
Add block
Game store
Skilled test
Field test
Finalize/prepare for next device
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